Chh - Records._____


    May 10. Elizabeth of Saml & Elizabeth      bapt.


    ____ 17. Mary Parkman, (eldest Dauter

    of the Pastor) was admitted into full Communion

    ____ 24. Sacrt of ye Lords Supper administd


    & Susanna, of Jonas & Lydia Warrin (of Upton) bapt.

    _____31. Zilpah of Ephm & Mary Bruce bapt.

    June 7. A Letter from ye Chh of Cht in

    Mr Maccartys

    Worcester, bearing Date May 11 last, &

    Installmt at

    Requesting ye Assistance of this Chh in ye


    Installmt of ye Rev. Mr Thaddeus Mac-

    -carty, next Wednesday, in the pastoral

    office over ym.  The Request of wch

    was Voted.  and Brr Baker (Edwd Esqr)

    was chosen the Chh’s Delegate on this oc-


    28. Read a Letter from the distressed chh of Cht

    in Grafton bearing Date

    & requesting the assistance of ys Chh wth other Chhs in

    Council on July 7. next ensuing to consider & advise

    upon their Difficultys ___ wth Special Reference to

    ye Dissolution of ye Relation of Pastor & people if_

    that Shall appear to be most for ye Div. Glory & ye

    Interest of Chts Km.

    Their Request Voted___ Voted yt yre  be Two Delegates

    from this Chh. Voted yt Brr ^ Whitney be one ____

    ^ Nathl

    Voted that Deacon Newton be the other. _______

    July. 5. The Sacrt of ye Lds Supper Administred.


    12. Job, of Eleazr & Ruhamah Pratt,

    Nehemiah, of Saml junr & Delivce Fay       bapt.

    James, of Danl & Martha Warrin

    26. Beriah, of Beriah & Mary Rice, &

    Stephen, of Stephen & Thankf. Maynard    bapt.

    Aug. 16. Jonas Brigham & Persis his wife, & Mary

      ye wife of Cornelius Biglow, were admitted into ye
