_Chh Records.


    Apr. 10. The Chh met by Adjournmt

    After Prayr Brr Jonn Bond, (one of those

    wo were lately chosen to be Deacons,) gave

    his Answer, in which he desird to be ex-

    cusd, conceiving there were many othrs

    in the Chh much fitter than he.  But

    the Chh manifested by Vote that they

    did not accept of his Said Ansr but did

    abide by their Choice of him.  To which

    he Submitted.

        Brr Nathl Whitneys ^ (the other) Ansr (in writing)

    was read; in which he refusd ___

    The Chh voted that they were not Satisfyd

    with it, but abode by their former Vote by

    which he was chosen, and he not being

    present ^ adjourned to ye 17th Day, after LectƐ

    ^ the Meet-

    Apr. 13. Abijah, son of Jonas & Lydia Twitchel

    ing was

    was baptized. ^:

    _____ 17. After LectƐ ye Chh met to hear

    Brr Whitneys final Ansr __ which was still

    in the Negative. ____

    Voted to proceed to the Choice of anor

    to be Deacon.

    Brr Jonn Forbush ^ junr was chosen.

    & that he might have time to consider of it

    the meeting was further adjournd to next

    Monday come Sennight 2 o’Clock p.m. ____

    Concluded wth prayr & Blessing.


    ^: This Day also (ye 13th of April) Joseph & Mary Grout,

    being dismissd from ye Chh of Waltham, & Hannah Tainter

    wife of Benj. Tainter, dismissd from ye Chh in Somers,

    were admitted into Chh- Fellowship with us. ___