Records.__ |
5. |
Jan; 29. Joseph Joslin ownd ye Coven |
:ant; His Wife Katharine was ad |
:mitted into full Communion; |
and their Daûter Mary was bap |
:tized. ________ |
February 12. The Sacrament of |
Sacrt |
the Lords Supper was administred. |
March 26. Mary Shattuck was |
admitted into our Church. |
Sacrt |
April 2. Jonathan Forbush and |
[-----] |
Hannah, his Wife being dismissd |
[-----] |
from the Church of Marlborough, |
[-------] |
were admitted into our Fellowship. |
[-----] |
and this Day The Lords Supper was |
[--------] |
administred. Furthermore These |
[------] |
Severall Children following were |
Forbush |
baptized. namely, Mary (Dauter of |
Samuel & Deborah Grow, |
Dorcas, daûter of Thomas ^(Junr) & Hannah |
Forbush. & Jonathan ye Son of Hezekiah |
& Abigail Ward (who belong to Marlb. |
Chh). ________ |
______ 16. Jonathan, Son of Habijah & |
Mary Bruce; & Elizabeth, Daûter of James |
& Sarah Ball, were baptized.___ |
May. 7. Tabitha Fay (the wife of |
Samuel Fay) was admitted into our Com |
:munion ____ |
14. The Sacrament of The Lords |
Supper was administred. |
28. John Green, having Stood pro- |
:pounded a week, owned ye Covenant and |
his Son Ephraim Green was Baptized. |
at ye same time. Adonijah ye Son of |
Charles & Rachel Rice (wo had ownd the |
Covenant at Marlboro) was also Bap- |
:tized. ____ |
June 4. Eunice, dauter of James |
and |
9 |