____Chh Records___________



    June 1t Chh Tarry after Sacramental Lecture

    appoint a Chh Meeting to be in Six Weeks __

    viz 13th of July ^next 3oClock P.M. to take Cognizance

    of Br Daniel Adams’ Acknowledgment of Comm-

    -pliance with their Requition in the Report of a

    late Committee on his & his Wife’s Difficuties or

    hear his Reasons (if he has any) why he does, or

    will not comply – and Desired the Clerk to inform

    said Adams

    _of sad Meeting & ye Design of it ___



    Lord Supper administred.  &

    Levinia of James & Mary Bowman

    was baptized by Revd Caleb Alexander

    of Mendon  _________


    July 13. 1786 Chh Met according to

    appointment Meeting was Opened

    Br Adams present says he cannot

    comply with the Report of the last

    Committee Relative to him & his Wife __

    and that he would do nothing Respecting

    the Report made Septt 6. 1784 _____

    Then Voted that the Meeting be adjou

    - rned to the first Monday in Sept next.

    4  oClock P.M__