____Records.____ |
71 |
Oct. 28. Mary, of Eleazer & Mary Whitney, bapt. |
NB Said Eleazar is a member of ye Chh in Waltham. |
Nov. 11. We had a Contribution in ye Congre |
:gation, at the Request & for ye Relief of |
Mr Jedidiah Biglo of Grafton who was |
Contribn |
burnt out Oct. 9 last. |
for Mr |
13. I recd a Paper from ye Deacons in the |
Jed. Biglow. |
following form. viz. To Mr Parkman |
== Nov. 12. 1744 |
We ye Subscribers have counted ye Money gathered last |
Sabbath & found it to be |
£10: 6: 5. |
John Fay |
1744 |
in 3 Penny Bitts 1. 7. 6. |
Jonathan Forbush |
1 Penny Bitts. 0. 7. 9 |
Josiah Newton |
Paper Money 8 .11. 8 |
The Total is 10. 6 .5 |
Josiah Newton.__ |
Nov. 18. Benjamin, of Benjamin & Martha Fay, bapt. |
Dec: 2. The Lords Supper administred. |
Sacrt |
Jan: 4. Solomon, ye son of Simeon & Rebecca |
1745. |
Hayward, being Sick and in Danger of Death, |
was baptizd in their own House __ |
NB All ye Neighbrs yt cd be informd came, & particly |
yre were ye following persons present |
Brr Nathan Ball, Joshua Townsend, Jonn Livermore, |
Wm Holloway, Jno Mcallister, Wm Caruth, Paul Fay __ |
besides a No of women_________ |
Feb. 24. Ruth, of Eleaz. & Mercy Williams, bapt. |
& Persis, wife of Edw. Baker admitted into Chh Com |
:munion. ________ |
>Dec: 16. At the Request of Brother John Pratt, his and |
his wife’s Dismission were Voted, & yt yy shd be recomd |
to the Chh in Hardwick where yy are gone to dwell. |