

    ^ being askd

    The latter of them ^ returnd ansr yt the

    whether he wd

    Matter, not being New to him, ^ and having repre=

    hav ye Time to         sented ^ heretofore to ye Chh his insufficiency, he must now, upon

    Consider of it,

    their Seeing meet to choose him again, earnestly

    ^ for the Case

    entreat yt they wd  have compassion on him, & pray

    was not as if

    fervently for him; both they yt had voted for him

    he had never

    and likewise they that had not; because otherwise

    been chosen

    they would not Shew yt yy acquiescd and fell in wth wt


    ye Hand of G. had done. ____ no spech or to this purpose. ___

             __ It was then askd whether anyone had any Thing

    material to object either against the proceedings

    of ye Chh at this Time, or agst the persons wom ye Chh

    had elected to be their Deacons ___ None being mani

    :fested we proceeded to the other Affair Scil:

    ^ The Commtee ap

    respecting Mr Saml Fay __ ^ but For Several Reasons

    :pointed to

    offered ^ ye matter was further wav’d & deferrd and or

    treat wth him

    Commtee Requested to improve ye first oppty yt in

    were desird

    Providce Should be presented, to treat wth him ___

    to speak, & Mr

    As ye Chh meeting was opend wth prayr so it was

    Jonn Whipple

    concluded wth it, and the Blessing _________

    ansd yt there

    July 9. Daniel Stone & his wife, having

    had been no

    owned ye Covt at Hopkinston, askd for Privilege

    oppty to Con=

    among us; and according to yeir Request

    :fer wth him

    Benjamin, their son was baptized.

    by means of

    The Same Day Mary Bruce junr (Daûter

    his absence at

    of Abijah and Mary Bruce) was admitted

    New Medfield.

    into ye Chh.

    Chh meeting

    13. The Chh was detaind after Lecture to receive

    to receive

    the Ansr of Brr Jonn Forbush to ye Chh who had Elected

    Brr Forbush’s

    him to be a Deacon. Among other Things delivd it was


    percievd yt by being Absent at ye Time of ye Choice he

    was not able so well to Judge of ye minds of ye Brethren

    and so of ye Call wc he had to ye office; and yrfore for

    his Satisfaction, it was desird yt if the Chh abode by

    their Choice, and were willing to confirm it of Brr For

    :bush &c they would manifest it, wc they did all but one;

    and he was desir’d to Speak if he had ought to object

    but he did not; but acquiescd in wt was done.

    Upon this Brr Forbush accepted of ye Choice.

            The Affair of Mr Saml Fay was Likewise mentioned
