Chh Records ___________ |
257. |
Then Voted threre be a Comittee consisting |
of 3 to prepare an admonition for |
Br Daniel Adams who is considered |
an Offender Viz Br Elijah Brigham |
Dea James Hawes ___ |
Br Daniel Chamberlain |
_Then Voted the Clerk be Directed to |
furnish Br Adams with the proceedings |
of this Meeting __ ___Relative to him ____ |
Then Voted agreeable to Request that |
Br Adam Rice & his Wife (now living |
in Dresden. Newhampshire) be furnishd |
with a Certificate of their Relation to this |
Chh. in Order to their enjoying pre- |
-veledges there_____ Then Voted to Adjoun |
the Meeting to the Last Tuesday in this |
inst Sept 2 oClock P.M. to hear the Report |
of said Committee & Attend to the Dealing |
with Br Daniel Adams ____ |
Sept 10. Lords Supper Administred & |
Eli. of Jona & __ |
Batherick. |
Hannah. of Joseph & Lucy Hardy ____ |
Daniel & |
Nahum of Benja & Lucretia Warren |
Elizebeth of. Joseph & Eleanor. Robbins |
Jacob. Katherine & Barnabas of Jacob & |
Katherine Broader. were Baptized by |
Revd Mr Joseph Sumner. of Shrewsby |